Arshad Sharif: A Cold Case in Process
Potpourri is defined as "a mixture of dried petals and spices placed in a bowl to perfume a room." And we define it as: – a mixture of dry opinions and fact-based analysis, naturally fragrant stories and tales, sensationalized social media issues as sprinkles of oil, and presented by our team to keep the potpourri fresh and alive. Arshad Sharif, a senior journalist in Pakistan died on 23th October, 2022, somebody agrees with his journalist ethics or not, that's a different debate but nothing warrants a murder. He was killed allegedly by Kenyan police, according to Kenyan police, two different statements, one that he was accidently killed because didn't stop the car when asked to, second statement came a day after which read as Kenyan police shot Arshad Sharif because shots were fired by Arshad Sharif first. Whatever the case maybe, question is why did Arshad felt the need to leave? was he not pressurized by state institutions or government? was he not under constant threat of arrest due to him being accused of sedition, the same case Shahbaz gill was accused of, who was allegedly sexually assaulted later on. Well, after the death of Arshad Sharif, some find a conspiracy behind a murder because he was against military leadership, particularly chief of army staff. Some found a planning behind it, as Imran Khan called for long march towards Islamabad exactly the day he was murdered, apparently his murder is seen as a collateral damage for the long term plans of PTI and Imran Khan And those believe it's accidental, actually believe Kenyan police, which is funny because Kenyan police is the same as Pakistani police. Arshad is dead, but so are we. Please avoid pronunciation mistakes, there are a lot of proper names, difficult ones, and reading them together made it prone to mistakes.