
Azaad Zameen Mubarak Ho | A Directionless Nation.

“Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better”

Potpourri is defined as "a mixture of dried petals and spices placed in a bowl to perfume a room." And we define it as: – a mixture of dry opinions and fact-based analysis, naturally fragrant stories and tales, sensationalized social media issues as sprinkles of oil, and presented by our team to keep the potpourri fresh and alive. Today's episode is the special one for Pakistan’s diamond jubilee, 75 years have been passed, and we are still... ...Experimenting. Sadly, from the beginning Pakistan never had a direction, sometimes in order to oppose we debate over topics which are literally undebatable, sometimes in order to differ, we lose every bit of sanity we have. Pakistan has lost its collective thought, or maybe Pakistan never had, whatever the case. We can’t be nation, we can’t be a progressive state without having one collective thought, or a direction. In democracy direction is decided by vote, we in Pakistan have never voted on democratic principles, we have never realized the value of vote, we never vote on ideology. Our democracy is only ”By the People” there is no “Of the people”, or, “For the People” In short, our vote is disconnected from our needs, as said in video. “Half of the population in Pakistan, do not have vote as their priority, and the other half’s priority to vote is wrong”. – A paradox Suggestion: If our politicians for once start acting like politicians and not messiahs, they might not need establishment to back them.



