
Pakistan-Afghanistan Relations: A QUAGMIRE.

Potpourri is defined as "a mixture of dried petals and spices placed in a bowl to perfume a room."

And we define it as: – a mixture of dry opinions and fact-based analysis, naturally fragrant stories and tales, sensationalized social media issues as sprinkles of oil, and presented by our team to keep the potpourri fresh and alive. Afghanistan has been nightmare for Pakistan since the day we decided to fight soviet for them, there are many reasons for what we did back then, then there was perpetual state of confusion as in regards to foreign policy towards Afghanistan. Then Musharraf came with enlightened moderation and war on terrorism, in order to play with Afghanistan, we literally played with our own country. Afghanistan, whether there are Taliban or any other rulers, they have never been thankful of what we have done, on the contrary they despise us. They hate us. TTA or TTP, or DAESH, they all could have different ways to spreading terror, but all are terrorists. because either accept it's terrorism or go for negotiation and accept that it was insurgency, which will do nothing but help TTP more in their cause.





