Political Arena of Sindh: Urban and Rural divide.

Rural-Urban divide in Sindh on Ethnicity: A Fault Line

Rural and Urban divide is defined by difference is quality of life, and standards, but in Sindh it’s described on ethnicity.

As explained in the first video that urban and rural divide in Sindh is unique, because of major chunk of migration that happened in Sindh, changed the demographic of the province and that change in demographic has demarcated the politics and policies around urban and rural basis. As discussed in the video, urban and rural divide is natural, even having different demographic and different infrastructure or development shouldn’t be problematic, but things start get ugly when politics and policies are not devised on urbanization or agriculture, but on ethnicity. The first part of video brings us to next question, whatever the case maybe, urban based political parties or rural based political parties, both will continue to use the respective card i-e Sindh card and Muhajir card to further the division on ethnic basis. As explained in this video that urban and rural divide on ethnic basis has given an opportunity to respective political parties to use the respective language card for their own benefits, and continue to rule over their respective territories. Urban based political groups as mentioned in video by one of our esteemed expert Mr Ali Kazi, that they are comfortable, because state institutions are providing them shelter, Dr Huma Baqai PPP is way more comfortable than any party because no other political party interfere in their base, and because of PPP's closeness to establishment. This urban and rural divide on ethnic basis has divided the political thought of province and this divide is the fault line that has been used by various people, including movers and shakers alias establishment. As explained in this video that this hate can only flourish if movers and shakers continue to shake it, this monopoly will continue to exist because people are left out of choices, but the only hope is rule of law and mere realisation of the people that they are being used. As mentioned in video by one of our esteemed expert Mr Ali Kazi, that rule of law is the only solution, that cultural mix happen with process, with time, but when you mix with ethnic hate, it can always be different. Dr Huma Baqai said people of urban Sindh and specifically urdu speaking population can never trust PPP, and the same way sindhi speaking people can not trust any other language politician, because of this hate, province is divided to maximum. This urban and rural divide on ethnic basis has divided the political thought of province and this divide is the fault line that has been used by various people, including movers and shakers alias establishment.






