
The Shadow

Those who created this mess, what are they waiting for?

Potpourri is defined as "a mixture of dried petals and spices placed in a bowl to perfume a room." And we define it as: – a mixture of dry opinions and fact-based analysis, naturally fragrant stories and tales, sensationalized social media issues as sprinkles of oil, and presented by our team to keep the potpourri fresh and alive. Today's episode is the regarding recent status of Pakistan as state, where despite having our neutral powers that be, our politicians are waiting for establishment to intervene and resolve their childish fight. Despite having clear result from Punjab by-elections that people are desperate to express, deciding to continue because everybody wants face saving. Economic outlook, Miftah Ismail said rupee devaluation is due to political uncertainty. Shaukat Tareen said the same. One is today's finance minister, and the other is yesterday's. Our society collectively has always wants someone else to do for them. how many times have we heard "Yaar koi inse jaan churaye". Bhai khud jaan churrani hoti hai we are in democracy, though however flawed that is as (Late) Asma Jahangir said it. If our politicians for once start acting like politicians and not messiahs, they might not need establishment to back them. All we need is a fresh start..




