Speaking to the media outside Adiala Jail, Alima Khan, a close aide of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan, reaffirmed that the party leader is not engaging in negotiations or seeking any deals regarding the cases against him.
"The founder of PTI has stated that there is no need for a deal. He will fight every case," Khan told reporters, underlining Imran Khan’s firm stance on facing legal challenges head-on.
Khan also raised questions about the dismissal of cases involving PTI members who had left the party after the May 9 incidents, calling for clarity on the matter.
She further highlighted that Imran Khan had reiterated his demand for a judicial commission to investigate the events surrounding both November 26 and May 9, events that have been central to ongoing political debates and tensions in Pakistan.
In addition to these points, Alima Khan emphasized that Imran Khan remains resolute in his refusal to be arrested at his Bani Gala residence, further asserting his position against political pressures.