Delhi’s Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has appointed Atishi, a key figure in his Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), to replace him as the head of the capital territory’s government. The move allows Kejriwal to concentrate on leading his party in the upcoming Delhi elections, as he continues to battle a corruption case that he claims is “politically motivated.”
Atishi, a 43-year-old Delhi minister and founding member of the AAP, has been a prominent face in the party’s rise to power. The AAP, which was born from an anti-corruption movement spearheaded by Kejriwal, has since emerged as a significant political force, particularly in Delhi.
Kejriwal, who was arrested in March over allegations of corruption linked to Delhi’s liquor sales policy, was granted bail last week by India’s Supreme Court after nearly six months of detention. He and the AAP have consistently denied the allegations, maintaining that the charges were fabricated to undermine their political standing. The BJP, India’s ruling party led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has denied any political motives behind the charges.
Following his release, Kejriwal announced that he would step down as Chief Minister to focus on campaigning for Delhi’s assembly elections, set to be held by mid-February 2024. In his announcement, Kejriwal stated that he would only return as Chief Minister if voters affirmed his integrity by supporting him and his party in the elections.
Atishi, who is expected to take over the chief minister’s role, expressed her commitment to leading Delhi’s government while continuing to work closely with Kejriwal. "While this responsibility lies with me, I will protect the people of Delhi and run the government under Arvind Kejriwal’s guidance," she told reporters.
Atishi has been a key player in AAP’s governance in Delhi, particularly in education reforms. Her rise to the chief minister’s post marks a significant step for the party as it prepares for elections amid the ongoing controversy surrounding Kejriwal’s legal battle.
This transition occurs against a backdrop of heightened political tensions as opposition leaders, including Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, have also faced legal challenges. Gandhi was convicted of criminal libel last year, resulting in his disqualification from parliament until the verdict was suspended by a higher court. Critics argue that these legal cases are part of a broader pattern of political suppression, a charge the BJP denies.
With Atishi at the helm, AAP hopes to maintain its political dominance in Delhi as Kejriwal sets his sights on securing another mandate from the people.