PTI founder Imran Khan has approached the Lahore High Court seeking bail in connection with multiple cases related to the events of May 9. Khan has filed the application for bail in several cases, including the attack on Jinnah House, a key incident that occurred on the day.
In his bail application, Imran Khan argues that on May 9, he was in the custody of the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) in Islamabad and could not have been involved in the alleged conspiracy. He claims that he has been falsely implicated in these cases, which he believes are part of a political vendetta against him.
Khan’s application further contends that he has been facing legal battles for the past two years, and the ongoing cases are retaliatory actions against him. He has called for the approval of his bail applications, urging the court to consider the charges as part of a larger political scheme.
The court’s decision on this application is awaited as the political and legal tensions surrounding Imran Khan continue to unfold.