The Islamabad Sessions Court has extended the interim bail of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan in six cases and that of his wife, Bushra Bibi, in one case. Meanwhile, a request has been submitted to transfer the Toshakhana case to another bench, citing client instructions.
Justice Raja Inam Minhas of the Islamabad High Court presided over the hearing of the acquittal applications in the Toshakhana case. Barrister Salman Safdar, representing Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi, appeared alongside FIA Prosecutor Umair Majeed.
Request for Transfer of Toshakhana Case
During the hearing, Salman Safdar requested that the Toshakhana case be transferred to another bench. Explaining his client’s position, Safdar stated, “This case has been previously heard by very senior judges of the Islamabad High Court. I have received instructions from my client to make this request.”
He cited the precedent of the Iddat case, where a similar request was honored, and noted that Khawar Maneka had appealed against Imran Khan’s acquittal on similar grounds. “I request the court to deliberate on this matter without assigning a new date for the hearing,” he added.
Justice Raja Inam Minhas acknowledged the request and adjourned the case for further consideration.
Interim Bails Extended
Separately, the Islamabad Sessions Court extended the interim bails of Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi until February 11. Imran Khan faces six cases, while Bushra Bibi’s bail pertains to a single case.
The extension provides temporary relief to the couple as legal proceedings continue in high-profile cases involving allegations of corruption and misuse of authority.
Background on Toshakhana Case
The Toshakhana case revolves around allegations of misappropriation of state gifts by Imran Khan during his tenure as Prime Minister. The case has been a focal point in the legal battles faced by the PTI founder, with accusations of non-disclosure and improper valuation of gifts.
What’s Next?
With the request to transfer the Toshakhana case pending, the spotlight remains on the Islamabad High Court’s decision. Meanwhile, the interim bails allow both Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi to maintain their legal defense without immediate detention.
The next hearing for the case is scheduled for February 11, when the court will decide the next steps in this high-stakes legal saga.