Gunman Kills Two Judges Outside Iran's Supreme Court in Tehran

A gunman opened fire outside Iran’s Supreme Court in Tehran, killing judges Ali Razini and Mohammad Mughisi, involved in high-profile cases. One judge was injured, and the attacker later shot himself.
Gunman Kills Two Judges Outside Iran's Supreme Court in Tehran

Two judges were killed in a shooting attack. Iranian media have confirmed that a gunman opened fire near Tehran Square, targeting the judges as they were involved in high-profile cases related to national security, espionage, and terrorism.

The two judges who lost their lives in the attack were identified as Ali Razini and Mohammad Mughisi. Both judges had previously been handling cases involving sensitive issues such as espionage and terrorism. The incident occurred in the busy area near the Supreme Court, and one judge was also injured in the attack. Reports indicate that the gunman shot himself after carrying out the attack, though details of his condition remain unclear.

The attack is particularly notable given Judge Ali Razini’s history of being targeted. In 1998, Razini was the victim of an attempted assassination when a bomb was planted in his car, resulting in injuries. His involvement in national security cases likely made him a target once again in this recent shooting.

The motivations behind the attack remain unclear, but it underscores the risks faced by those in the Iranian judiciary, especially those handling cases related to state security. This attack has raised concerns over the safety of judges and government officials in Iran, as tensions related to political and national security issues continue to rise.