Natasha Amir, who is co-accused in a car accident case, has submitted a bail application to the court of Judicial Magistrate East. The application was filed by her legal representatives, Mansoob Qureshi and Umar Goura, who argue that Natasha Amir has been struggling with mental illness since 2004.
In the petition, her lawyer, Advocate Amir Mansoob, stated that Natasha has been under medical treatment for years and that the charges against her are punishable. The legal team is seeking bail on the grounds of her ongoing mental health issues.
To support their case, the lawyers provided a medical certificate and records from the Aga Khan Hospital, demonstrating Natasha Amir's long-term mental health condition. The court is expected to review these documents and make a decision regarding her bail.
The outcome of this application will be closely watched as it could set a precedent for how mental health is considered in legal proceedings. The case continues to develop, with further hearings scheduled to determine the next steps.