
DawnMedia Launches ‘Breathe Pakistan’ to Combat Climate Change

DawnMedia is stepping up with ‘Breathe Pakistan’—a nationwide campaign to fight climate change and promote sustainability.
DawnMedia Launches ‘Breathe Pakistan’ to Combat Climate Change

As Pakistan faces increasingly severe impacts from climate change, DawnMedia has launched a new initiative, Breathe Pakistan, aimed at mobilizing citizens to adopt environmentally sustainable practices. This effort comes at a critical time, with the country grappling with rising temperatures, glacial melt, and devastating floods.


In a statement, DawnMedia highlighted the urgency of addressing Pakistan's escalating climate crisis. “As Pakistan witnesses scorching heat waves, widespread glacier melt, and both urban and rural flooding, we must take immediate action,” the statement read.


DawnMedia CEO, Nazafreen Saigol-Lakhani, emphasized the importance of collective responsibility. “At DawnMedia, we believe in the power of unity — coming together for one collective purpose, even if in modest ways. Our campaign represents growth, renewal, and a call for every Pakistani to reclaim our environment with pride and ownership,” she said. The campaign not only focuses on individual actions but also aims to influence broader policy changes that can lay the foundation for a sustainable future.


Breathe Pakistan will take a cross-platform approach to spread awareness and encourage environmental responsibility. Through partnerships with environmental activists and think tanks, the initiative seeks to build a coherent strategy to combat climate change. The campaign will culminate in a major conference in early 2025, which will bring together experts and stakeholders to discuss the challenges and solutions surrounding climate change in Pakistan.


Pakistan is listed among the 15 countries most vulnerable to natural disasters, according to the World Risk Index 2024 report. The country’s susceptibility to climate-related disasters has been further underscored by the unprecedented 2022 floods, which claimed 1,700 lives and displaced over 33 million people.


A World Bank report, Climate Silence in Pakistan, released last year, also highlighted how deeply climate change has affected the country, with eight out of 10 Pakistanis expressing concerns over its impacts. These growing concerns have made initiatives like Breathe Pakistan all the more essential in pushing for both grassroots actions and national policy changes.


Through Breathe Pakistan, DawnMedia aims to rally the nation towards environmental stewardship and build a collective movement that addresses the critical threat of climate change in the country. The campaign calls on all Pakistanis to take pride in preserving the environment and contributing to a sustainable future.