Tragedy struck the village of Jajja Abbasian in Zahirpir town, Khanpur tehsil, late at night as a gang from the Katcha area attacked the home of a family linked to an alleged police informer, leaving four people dead. The victims, including three brothers, were reportedly targeted in retaliation by the notorious Indhar Gang.
According to rescue sources, the attack occurred around 10 PM at the home of Irfan Chandia, uncle of Usman Chandia—a police informer killed in a confrontation with the gang in 2023. The victims included Muhammad Arabi (15), Muhammad Makki (15), Muhammad Madni (10), and Muhammad Zaman (38).
In a video statement, Irfan accused the police of failing to protect his family despite repeated warnings about the imminent attack. He claimed that law enforcement officials had used his nephew Usman as a pawn and failed to provide adequate security, even though they were aware of the gang's threat. "My entire family has been murdered, and now no one, not even the inspector general, can help me," Irfan lamented.
Locals reported hearing gunfire throughout the area, creating widespread panic among the villagers. Despite several calls to the emergency helpline, no timely response came from law enforcement. Irfan also claimed that the district police officer and Station House Officer Zahirpir were mere kilometers from the scene but failed to act promptly.
A police spokesperson later claimed that two of the attackers were killed while attempting to escape toward the Katcha area. The spokesperson identified the attackers as members of the Indhar, Shar, and Kosh gangs but refrained from disclosing the names of the deceased suspects.
The Indhar Gang has been a longstanding menace in the region, known for its violent operations. The group suffered a major blow in July 2023 when its leader, Janu Indhar, and three accomplices were killed in a police encounter. However, gang members Jamil Indhar and Tanvir Indhar are now suspected of orchestrating the recent attack in retaliation for the earlier killings.
The attack has raised serious concerns about the effectiveness of local law enforcement in addressing gang violence. The incident highlights the urgent need for improved security measures in the Katcha areas and surrounding regions, where gang activities have persisted despite repeated crackdowns.
As investigations continue, the community mourns the loss of four innocent lives, and calls for justice grow louder.