PTI Declines Participation in Special Parliamentary Committee, Vows Action Against Party Defectors

PTI boycotts the Special Parliamentary Committee meeting on judge appointments and issues show-cause notices for members supporting the 26th constitutional amendment.
PTI Declines Participation in Special Parliamentary Committee, Vows Action Against Party Defectors

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has officially announced its decision to stay away from the special parliamentary committee meeting, which was formed to discuss the appointment of new judges in the Supreme Court. In a statement issued by the party, it was revealed that the decision was made during an important meeting of PTI's political committee.


Boycott of the Special Committee

The special parliamentary committee, formed to nominate the next Chief Justice of Pakistan and make other key judicial appointments, has been a point of contention for PTI. The party leadership, during its internal meeting, decided to abstain from the proceedings, asserting that they did not recognize the legitimacy of the process or the recent 26th constitutional amendment, which brought changes to the judiciary's appointment process.


According to the statement, PTI leaders believe that the amendment undermines the independence of the judiciary and was passed in an undemocratic manner. As a result, the party has chosen to boycott the meeting to avoid endorsing what they view as a flawed and unconstitutional process.


Disciplinary Actions Announced

In addition to the boycott, the political committee of PTI also approved disciplinary actions against members who deviated from the party’s stance. The statement indicated that those who voted in favor of the controversial 26th constitutional amendment would have their primary party membership canceled. This amendment has been a source of division within the party, as many PTI lawmakers opposed it on the grounds that it compromises judicial independence.


Furthermore, PTI has decided to issue show-cause notices to other party members who have severed ties with the party or engaged in actions contrary to PTI's directives. The future of these members will be determined based on their responses to the show-cause notices, which will be closely scrutinized by the party leadership.


Rift Within PTI

The move to cancel memberships and issue show-cause notices signals a significant rift within PTI, with some members defying party lines on the amendment. This internal division poses a challenge for the party, which has been trying to maintain unity amid increasing political pressure and opposition to government decisions.


PTI’s Stance on the Constitutional Amendment

PTI’s strong opposition to the 26th constitutional amendment stems from its belief that the changes infringe upon the judiciary's autonomy. Party leaders, including senior figures like Ali Amin Gandapur, have publicly condemned the amendment, labeling it an attack on the judiciary. The party has vowed to challenge the amendment and lead protests across Pakistan in defense of judicial independence.


The 26th amendment, which changes the process for appointing the Chief Justice of Pakistan and other judges, has been lauded by the government as a necessary judicial reform. However, PTI and other opposition parties argue that it grants excessive power to the executive, eroding the separation of powers.



As PTI distances itself from the special parliamentary committee and takes disciplinary actions against members who supported the amendment, the political landscape in Pakistan continues to heat up. The party's decision to stay away from the judicial appointment process underscores its commitment to challenging what it sees as unconstitutional measures, while internal dissent and defections add to the complexities PTI faces moving forward.