Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has filed an appeal in the Supreme Court challenging the dismissal of its petition against the Practice and Procedure Ordinance 2024. Chairman PTI Barrister Gauhar filed the appeal against the Constitutional Bench’s December 12, 2024 decision.
The petition requests the court to declare the bench’s decision null and void, asserting that clauses 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the ordinance are unconstitutional. PTI further demanded that all actions taken under the ordinance be declared illegal.
Parties Involved:
The petition has named the President of Pakistan, the Secretary Cabinet, and the Secretary Law as respondents.
The Constitutional Bench had previously dismissed petitions filed by Barrister Gauhar Ali Khan, Afrasiab Khattak, Ehtesham-ul-Haq, and Akmal Bari.
Justice Aminuddin Khan remarked during the hearing that the ordinance had already lapsed. Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar observed that Parliament had legislated on the subject after the ordinance expired. Justice Jamal Mandokhel added that a law supersedes an ordinance upon enactment.
PTI now seeks judicial review, maintaining that the committee formed under the ordinance and its decisions are constitutionally invalid.