PTI Seeks Lahore High Court Permission for September 21 Rally

PTI has petitioned the Lahore High Court to approve a rally on September 21, citing unconstitutional denial of their right to assemble.
PTI Seeks Lahore High Court Permission for September 21 Rally

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has filed a petition with the Lahore High Court seeking permission to hold a rally in Lahore on September 21. The petition, submitted by PTI representatives Alia Hamza and Imtiaz Mehmood Sheikh, names the Deputy Commissioner of Lahore, the Punjab Government, and other relevant institutions as parties involved in the case.


The petition asserts that PTI's right to assemble has been unjustly restricted, citing a recent rally held by Maulana Fazlur Rehman at Minar-e-Pakistan as a precedent. The petitioners argue that PTI is being unfairly denied the opportunity to hold its own rally, which they claim is a violation of their fundamental rights and unconstitutional.


According to the petition, the Lahore High Court had previously issued an order on August 9 directing the Deputy Commissioner of Lahore to permit PTI to hold its rally. However, the petitioners contend that this order has not been implemented, leading to the current legal action.


The petition requests that the court intervene and grant PTI permission to hold the rally as scheduled on September 21. The move underscores PTI’s ongoing struggle to secure their right to assemble and demonstrate, amidst increasing political tensions.


As the case proceeds, PTI's legal team is pushing for a prompt resolution, emphasizing the importance of upholding democratic rights and ensuring equal treatment for all political parties.