Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur on Sunday pledged to address the demands of the Pakhtun National Jirga (PNJ) during a follow-up meeting in Peshawar. The meeting focused on issues ranging from the withdrawal of cases against jirga members to supporting peace initiatives in the Kurram district.
PNJ spokesperson Barkat Afridi confirmed that the chief minister assured them of the release of arrested members and the withdrawal of pending cases. Afridi clarified that the jirga did not demand compensation for the families of those killed during last month’s police action but sought reparations for damages caused by the police vandalism at the venue.
Afridi highlighted that the jirga has been granted permission to act independently in mediating talks between rival groups in Kurram to restore law and order. The provincial government promised legal support for these efforts.
Regarding displaced persons from Khyber district, particularly those from the Tirah valley, the chief minister committed to raising the issue at multiple forums to facilitate their return. He expressed his support for PNJ's ongoing peace initiatives in the region.
The meeting also witnessed the participation of Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement (PTM) leader Manzoor Pashteen, who criticized the provincial government for failing to fully honor the commitments made in the PNJ’s October 13 declaration.
On November 15, the PNJ formed a legal committee to draft recommendations for a “new social contract” aimed at securing the constitutional rights of Pakhtuns. The jirga remains focused on addressing historical grievances while promoting peace and justice across the region.