The son of former Deputy Commissioner Karam Javedullah Mehsud, who was injured in the Bagan incident on January 4, has confirmed that his father’s condition is now out of danger. Sikandar Mehsud, speaking to Aaj News, shared that his father has been receiving better treatment at the Combined Military Hospital (CMH) in Peshawar and will soon be transferred to Al-Shifa Hospital in Islamabad for further medical care.
Javedullah Mehsud, who was shot multiple times in the attack by miscreants, has undergone initial medical procedures, with two bullets removed from his left shoulder. His shoulder surgery has been deferred until the appropriate time. Medical sources have also stated that his leg bone has been fused, but the bullet lodged in his leg has not been removed yet.
Sikandar Mehsud expressed gratitude to both the government and the Pakistan Army for their support in providing his father with the best possible care. He reassured that his father’s condition is no longer critical and that they are optimistic about his recovery with the advanced treatment facilities available in Islamabad.
Javedullah Mehsud had been serving as the Deputy Commissioner in Kurram when he was injured in the targeted shooting. The attack has raised concerns regarding the security situation in the region, but the family remains thankful for the prompt medical assistance received so far.