Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz, while addressing a ceremony in Rawalpindi on Friday, announced that Al-Qadir University is now under government management and pledged to provide scholarships to its students. Her remarks came in the context of the recent verdict in the 190 million-pound Al-Qadir Trust case, where former Prime Minister Imran Khan and his spouse Bushra Bibi were sentenced for corruption.
The Chief Minister emphasized the need for unity and peace in the country, stating, “The country does not want hatred but unity, not chaos but peace.” She criticized the promotion of violence and misinformation, particularly among the youth, stating that those who were encouraged to attack the police and follow social media blindly are now facing the consequences of their actions.
Corruption Verdict and Its Impact
Maryam Nawaz highlighted that the accountability court had proven corruption in the Al-Qadir Trust case. Imran Khan, she noted, became the first prime minister in Pakistan’s history to be convicted for corruption, receiving a 14-year sentence along with a fine of Rs 1 million. Bushra Bibi was sentenced to 7 years in prison with a fine of Rs 500,000 for aiding and abetting the crime.
Referring to her own experience, she recalled, “My father, Nawaz Sharif, served the country for 45 years but was expelled on Iqama. I was punished for standing with him. Time changes, and today, Imran Khan is imprisoned in the same Adiala Jail where my father and I once were.”
The Chief Minister contrasted her imprisonment with that of Imran Khan, noting that while she faced harsh conditions, including limited meals and surveillance cameras in her cell, he is receiving good food and better facilities.
A New Era for Al-Qadir University
Following the verdict, the government has taken control of Al-Qadir University. Maryam Nawaz expressed her resolve to transform the institution into a beacon of educational opportunities for underprivileged youth. “Al-Qadir University has come to me, and I will ensure scholarships are provided to its students. My heart wishes to invest in children’s education, not petrol bombs,” she said.
The Chief Minister also lauded the positive reaction of the financial markets to the verdict, noting a surge in the Pakistan Stock Market as a sign of stability and progress.
Looking Ahead
Maryam Nawaz concluded her speech with a message of hope and responsibility, emphasizing that the government is committed to rebuilding trust in public institutions and creating opportunities for the nation’s youth.
The Al-Qadir Trust case verdict marks a significant chapter in Pakistan’s accountability efforts, while the pledge to support students reflects a broader commitment to prioritizing education and socio-economic development.