The Punjab government has declared an emergency alert for residents of Lahore due to dangerously high levels of air pollution, primarily attributed to smog drifting in from Delhi, Amritsar, and Chandigarh. Senior Provincial Minister Maryam Aurangzeb has urged citizens to take immediate precautions, advising them to wear masks and keep windows and doors closed to minimize exposure to the hazardous air.
In a statement, Minister Aurangzeb noted a significant fluctuation in the air quality index (AQI), which improved dramatically from an alarming 800 to 191 as winds subsided yesterday. Despite this improvement, she cautioned that sensitive groups—including children and individuals with heart and respiratory conditions—should avoid outdoor activities to safeguard their health.
The minister also highlighted that the burning of crop residues in neighboring Indian regions has significantly contributed to the rising pollution levels in Lahore. This ongoing environmental crisis has prompted Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz to call on every citizen to wear masks when outdoors. In an effort to protect young students, school timings have been adjusted to 8:45 AM, and parents are strongly encouraged to ensure their children wear masks to school.
The government has emphasized the importance of adhering to these safety measures, particularly for children who are more vulnerable to the adverse effects of air pollution. Minister Aurangzeb also urged residents to report any environmental pollution violations to Citizen 1373, emphasizing the need for collective action to combat the worsening air quality in the region.
As Lahore grapples with this critical situation, the government continues to monitor air quality levels and will provide updates and further guidance to ensure public safety.