Uzma Bukhari Criticizes PTI’s Tactics, Claims Party’s Focus is on Maryam Nawaz

Uzma Bukhari accuses PTI of using Maryam Nawaz's name to gain media attention and warns of the party’s intentions to cause major disruptions.
Uzma Bukhari Criticizes PTI’s Tactics, Claims Party’s Focus is on Maryam Nawaz

PML-N leaders Uzma Bukhari and Talal Chaudhry have voiced strong criticism against the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) party, accusing it of manipulating political narratives for media attention and struggling with internal conflicts.


Uzma Bukhari condemned PTI's recent activities, stating that the party has transitioned from being a “Dharna Party” to a “Fitna Party,” driven by animosity and prejudice against Maryam Nawaz. She claimed that PTI’s attempts to highlight Maryam Nawaz’s name are part of a broader agenda to create major disruptions in the country. Bukhari urged the public to remain vigilant and recognize the true intentions behind PTI’s actions.


Additionally, PML-N leader Talal Chaudhry criticized PTI for its internal power struggles, alleging that various factions within the party are vying for control. He accused PTI members of engaging in deceitful tactics and emphasized that no amount of political theatrics would change the reality of their performance. Chaudhry also stressed the importance of staying within constitutional limits and warned that PTI’s attempts to gain favor through meetings and processions would not lead to an NRO (National Reconciliation Ordinance).


Both leaders' statements highlight ongoing tensions between PTI and PML-N, reflecting the polarized political climate in Pakistan.