Former Taluk Nazim Khudabakhsh Daras Gard Fatally Shot Near Kapru

Former Taluk Nazim Khudabakhsh Daras Gard of Functional League killed in a tragic shooting incident near Kapru.
Former Taluk Nazim Khudabakhsh Daras Gard Fatally Shot Near Kapru

Khudabakhsh Daras Gard, a prominent leader of the Functional League and former Taluk Nazim, was fatally shot in a gunfire incident near Kapru. The incident occurred while Daras Gard was sitting on his land accompanied by his guard, Khaliq Di Dars.


According to initial reports, unidentified gunmen approached the location and opened fire, resulting in the tragic deaths of Khudabakhsh Daras Gard and his guard, Khaliq Di Dars, on the spot. The perpetrators fled the scene immediately after the shooting.


Following the incident, the bodies of the deceased were swiftly transferred to Kapru taluk hospital. A large number of members from the Dars community and local citizens gathered at the hospital, expressing shock and grief over the untimely demise of Khudabakhsh Daras Gard.


Khudabakhsh Daras Gard had been actively involved in politics as a leader of the Functional League and had served previously as Taluk Nazim. He recently contested in elections but faced defeat. His sudden and tragic death has sent shockwaves through the community and raised concerns about the security situation in the region.


Authorities have launched an investigation into the shooting incident to apprehend the perpetrators and bring them to justice. Meanwhile, the family, friends, and supporters of Khudabakhsh Daras Gard are mourning his loss and calling for swift action to ensure justice for the slain leader.