KP Apex Committee Accepts Bannu Aman Jirga's Demands, Issues Joint Declaration

KP Apex Committee accepts Bannu Aman Jirga's demands. A joint declaration outlines action against terrorism, enhanced border trade, and new committees for immediate problem resolution.
KP Apex Committee Accepts Bannu Aman Jirga's Demands, Issues Joint Declaration

In a crucial meeting led by Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Ali Amin Gandapur, the Provincial Apex Committee and members of the Bannu Aman Jirga convened to address pressing concerns related to the recent Bannu incident. The meeting, which also included senior military and civil officials such as the Corps Commander Peshawar, resulted in the acceptance of all demands put forth by the Bannu Aman Jirga.

Key Points from the Joint Declaration:

1.     Action Against Terrorism:

    • The declaration strongly condemns terrorism, promising decisive action against terrorist elements and their offices. The police and Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) will lead these efforts, with military assistance in border areas where police action is limited.

2.     Enhanced Border Trade:

    • To bolster local economies and deter smuggling, border trade will be facilitated at Torkham, Kharlachi, Angorada, Ghulam Khan, and Mohmand. This initiative aims to create employment opportunities and support the region's dependence on trade.

3.     New Security Measures:

    • The declaration prioritizes the creation of new posts in southern districts and mandates continuous police patrolling. CTD will focus on suspicious areas and madrasas, and judicial inquiries will be sought for significant incidents.

4.     Immediate Problem Resolution:

    • To address misunderstandings between citizens and institutions swiftly, committees will be formed at the commissioner level, including public representatives and officials from civil, military, and police sectors. Immediate Jirgas will be convened to find workable solutions.

5.     Respect for Law and Sacrifices:

    • The declaration underscores the importance of lawful, peaceful protests and the avoidance of actions that might disrespect the sacrifices made by security personnel. Unnecessary criticism of government institutions and personnel is strongly discouraged.

Public Reaction and Institutional Response: The declaration aims to address local grievances while ensuring the protection and well-being of both civilians and security forces. It acknowledges the critical role of peaceful engagement and prompt resolution of issues, reinforcing the commitment to combat terrorism and support regional trade and stability.

This comprehensive approach seeks to balance security needs with economic development and community engagement, marking a significant step in addressing the concerns of the Bannu Aman Jirga and the broader Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region.